Little Wings Children’s Play Area

Little Wings is an outdoor natural playground designed to ignite creative, outdoor play. It was created in honor and memory of Helen Dicke Krivacek, a foundational member and long-time volunteer at Woodland Dunes. Little Wings is located in the front of the nature center building and is open from dawn until dusk. Features include:

  • Flowing Stream – search for water critters, splash and play!
  • Building Area – build a fort with available materials!
  • Nature Art and Music Area – play the natural musical instruments and create!
  • Prairie Maze – scurry through the maze like a mouse observing insects and flowers!
  • Mulberry Bridge – climb the stairs, explore, and taste the mulberries from the tree!
  • Happy Hideaway – take advantage of the kid sized house for imaginative play!

Benches and a raised deck are available for parents and chaperones to relax as children explore or have a picnic. Supervision is not provided, please be responsible and keep track of your children in this area.

Looking for even more fun for your family? Check out the Adventure Backpack from the indoor education room! This backpack is full of activities that are easy to do and enhance the time you spend in the preserve. In winter learn about tracks and bird nests; in summer look for amphibians. The activities change seasonally, so check out the Adventure Backpack often. The backpack is free to use, just talk to a Nature Center employee when you arrive for details